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Use our Auto Buying Program to find your next car with the latest safety technology! Learn more. But other aspects of lovemaking become considerably different in the plus years: Sex is a form of exercise, and what once felt like football and basketball now seems more like hiking and golf. It becomes less like the Fourth of July, and more like Thanksgiving.
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What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Having Sex: Pros and Cons
Refractory period (sex) - Wikipedia
For some reason, so many of us mistakenly still believe how often we have sex to be the measure of how successful our sex lives are. In relationships and marriages, we accept that the frequency of sex will decline as time goes on. Yet we still feel ashamed about it and find talking about it with our friends hard - even though they're probably going through the exact same feelings. But the truth is, for couples who live together there is no 'normal' amount of sex to be having.
Refractory period (sex)
Why do people join dating apps? To find a romantic partner? For casual hookups?
My boyfriend and I didn't necessarily hook up the first time we met, but we were definitely hooking up for a long time before we decided that we were officially dating. In fact, I'd say there was about three months of ambiguous, undefined, WTF-is-this territory before we even discussed becoming exclusive. And I don't think our story is unique, either. In this day and age, lots of relationships start off as hookups, but knowing how to turn a hookup into a relationship is where things can get tricky. Relationship and etiquette expert April Masini said the best way to start is by having an honest conversation where you lay it all out on the table: your expectations, feelings, and views on important topics like exclusivity.
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