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She was known for her hardcore film debut, Behind the Green Door , and her pornographic film Insatiable. She ranked at No. Although she was primarily known for her adult film work, she made a successful transition to mainstream projects and has been called "porn's most famous crossover". It is often reported that she was born in Westport; however, in a interview, Chambers confirmed she was born in Providence but grew up in Westport. She was the youngest of three children, a brother, Bill Briggs keyboardist for s Boston band The Remains , and a sister, Jann Smith.
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Last week, I went down a rabbit hole in pursuit of a story : the proliferation of prank texts that appear to provide breaking news links on the COVID pandemic, only to open up to a photo of a beefy, naked Black man with a massive penis. I set out to find the well-endowed man to talk to him about his cult status during this time of crisis, only to find out he was a guy named Wood who had died several years ago. Emails, DMs, and endless memes poured in from people who had read the story and wanted to know more about the now-fabled Wood. A few even asked about donating to Wood's family. Like many of them, I felt unsatisfied with the story; it just didn't feel like a closed case.
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