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Can you have sex in space

All purchases are sent in discreet packaging. Modify or cancel your order anytime. Pick your cadence and get products automatically delivered on your schedule, no obligation. More questions? Visit the FAQ. Officially, nobody has ever had sex in space.
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NASA wants to study how to have sex in space

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No Sex in Space | Space

The most exciting next ish step in space exploration is surely to set up a human colony on Mars or maybe Venus. Plenty of people are interested in a one-way ticket. But if the colony is to be permanently successful, a big issue will need to be addressed: How do we make babies beyond the Earth? Even longterm spaceflight offers potential opportunities to engage in reproduction, but all the science so far indicates that it might not be a good idea. For Motherboard at Vice , Daniel Oberhaus delves into the reasons that we should consider keeping the kibosh on baby making in space.
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Has Anyone Had Sex In Space?

In the story below, the Nasa report cited by Pierre Kohler proved to be a hoax. See this later explanatory Guardian blog: theguardian. US and Russian astronauts have had sex in space for separate research programmes on how human beings might survive years in orbit, according to a book published yesterday.
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While humans have been a spacefaring species for more than 50 years, it's quite possible we have yet to perform that most basic of acts — sex — beyond terra firma. Rumors have long swirled that astronauts may have hooked up in orbit, perhaps even as part of secret sex-in-space experiments run by the Russian or American governments. But those stories are likely the product of overactive — and overheated — imaginations, experts say.
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